A Morning Greeting at Kent School: More Than Just a Hello

Here is a challenge: Stand outside and greet children arriving to Kent School each morning and not feel elevated. My colleagues and I do Morning Greeting each day for a variety of reasons, one of them being  student safety. However, I find myself looking forward to greeting students as an energizer and launchpad into my day. It is a way for me to connect with students in a positive, personal way. I can also do a brief check-in with parents to share a particular moment of pride that I witnessed in the classroom, on the court, or on the stage.
Morning Greeting at Kent School is just one of the personal touches that makes our Kent School community special. And what are we if we are not a strong community? I am proud to say that I know every child and their parents’ by name. At the risk of sounding boastful, I even know the names of siblings who do not attend Kent School, and I know some grandparents, too. A parent just asked me if I have a photographic memory. I wish! I know every student and family because they are my priority and they deserve to be known. They are our community. For me, Morning Greeting is not about commanding respect through a required firm hand-shake and a look in the eye. It’s about making students feel at home and valued for their presence at our school. I do like it, however, when a student asks me how I am doing and I let them know that I am grateful they asked.

In a small school like ours, relationships are as important as academics. We have recently asked several parents to share their “Why Kent School?” stories. A common theme in all their stories is the strong sense of community. Their children are known, valued and taught the way they need to be taught. Parents are using words like “home”, “family”, “belonging”, and “relationships” in their stories. Kent School is much more than simply a school where standards are met and test scores are motivators. Of course we have challenges and bumps in the road. What community built on personal relationships doesn’t? But we meet these challenges with honesty, respect, integrity, and friendship. 

We are fortunate to be part of a school community that provides educational excellence with all the human touches of a healthy community . . . and it all starts with a Morning Greeting.

    • Tricia Cammerzell


List of 1 members.

  • Patricia Cammerzell 

    Assistant Head of School for Advancement