Tuition Assistance & Financial Planning at Kent School

Thank you for your interest in Kent School. For most families, investing in an independent school education requires careful financial planning. As you will learn through the admission process, families find great value in the Kent School educational experience. Families applying for admission in Kindergarten through Grade Eight are invited to apply for tuition assistance using our third party platform, Clarity. Tuition assistance is not available for Little School since the cost of tuition can be considered a federal tax deduction.

Kent School is committed to making our tuition as affordable as possible for families who are interested in our school. Over 40% of our current student body qualifies for tuition assistance as determined by the family application submitted through our third party platform, Clarity. To get started, please go to the Clarity Application and create an account. Typical tuition ranges in the 2022-2023 academic year were as follows:

Kindergarten through Grade Four: $8,100 - $17,300
Grade Five through Grade Eighth: $8,690 - $18,500
Returning parents must submit an application for financial aid for each year that their child is enrolled at Kent School.

Kent School offers a variety of payment options including ten month payment plans, two payment plans and a single payment plan.

2024-2025 Tuition & Fees:

Kent School’s tuition is inclusive of all fees*, books and school sponsored field trips

Little School 
Four days: $9,400
Five days: $10,400

Kindergarten: $14,850
Grade 1 through Grade 4: $18,650
Grades 5 through 8: $19,950

*Fees for transportation, inter-scholastic athletics, after-school clubs, extended day care and other optional activities are not included in tuition.